What People are Saying

" Excellent massage with attention to your specific issues. They are nerdy about massage and will cater the session perfectly. Highly recommend. "

" Jonas and Jacky are super knowledgeable, friendly, accommodating and passionate about what they do. I can’t recommend them enough and I’m very thankful for all they have done for me. "

" They are detail oriented and extremely intuitive when it comes to body work. Hands down, their 4 hand massage is the best massage I’ve ever had. "

" I first went to Jaclyn and Jonas about 4 years ago for a massage... since then I've been there a few times a month! They are two of the most insightful and powerful healers I know. "

We can help when
You struggle with an acute or chronic injury
You're stressed and want those knots worked out

You're an athlete wanting to perform at your best

You feel like your posture causes you to be in pain

You simply want to move and control your body better
You want a therapist who will empower and teach you
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A New Outlook on the Body
As we have gained experience working on the body, we noticed that sometimes, it tells us exactly what would help release a certain muscle or area. Your body has its own intelligence and by tuning in with our intuition, we are able to work together, as a team.
This is why we do not have or sell specific massage techniques or sequences. Your body is dynamic and tells us what it needs, each session.
Our role is also to assist you in connecting with that voice and realize that your relationship to your body is very much the same as one with a loved one. If you do not take time to listen to it and only order it around, it will be be very good at telling you it is being overlooked and that it is a two-way street.
In all our sessions, be it for massage or personal training, we encourage dialogue and discovery, letting your body have a voice and lead you to understand the things it needs: maybe a yawn, a stretch, a shake, a few calm breaths or new variety in its movement diet.
We aim to leave you feeling confident that you are on a path of healing and joyful movement, giving you care in sessions and assisting in making necessary positive lifestyle changes for lasting health and wellness.
Our Services
Connecting & Integrating